A Full-Fledged Grown-Up School from Nursery to Class Xii Which Started Its Journey in 2010.
A Full-Fledged Grown-Up School from Nursery to Class Xii Which Started Its Journey in 2010.
A Full-Fledged Grown-Up School from Nursery to Class Xii Which Started Its Journey in 2010.
A Full-Fledged Grown-Up School from Nursery to Class Xii Which Started Its Journey in 2010.
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St. Mary’s & Jesus School

Notice Period

Admission Open for 9 & 11



Activity : Dance, Martial Art, Swimming, Roller Skating, Drawing.

Awareness for Literacy

It’s really difficult to develop a country without human development. Our organization is working for human development through education which is the most important thing for our society.


Discipline builds character, develops strength, and fosters co-operation. To inculcate moral values in the students. Our school tries to inculcate moral as well as ethical values among students so that they can learn


Our school is an integrated school, where we have facilities for special children also.
Special children with mild autism ADHD or even physically challenged children sit along with general students and study. 


Extra-curricular activities are given special importance by the school and all the students are encouraged to develop some hobbies and are offered opportunities for the development there of Each year

Rules & Regulation


School Open Hour :

 L.N. , U.N. &  K.G                    8.30 AM – 11.30 AM

CLASSES I -XII                         8.30 AM – 1.30 PM


Students must reach the school by 8.30 a.m, failing which they will not be allowed to enter the school gate.


Uniform & Books :

  1. Students must come to school with all the necessary books, pens, pencils, exercise books, etc. The books and copies must be labeled neatly with name, class, section, and subject.
  2. Students must come to school in properly washed and ironed clothes. The shades of the dresses must not be mismatched. The hair should be cut short and the nails should be trimmed. In the case of girls, the hair should be tied up neatly and black rubber bands, black pins or black hair bands must be used. Shoes must be properly polished and the socks must be regularly washed.

Sickness :

Students returning to school after recovering from any infectious disease must bring a doctor’s certificate, state- ing complete fitness, and be ready to attend the classes.

Join Us

Your support will be always needed so feel free to join “St. Mary’s & Jesus School” and be a part of us. All the members of our society will welcome you from the core of their hearts.



We organize many events in our school yearly based like 15th august, Teacher’s day, Annual function, and sports which are important parts of our school.

15th August

When 15th august comes our hearts fill with excitement and joy because that was the day we got our freedom. That particular day of international pride stirs up a patriotic chord in all of us. This is the day when all Indians feel the pride of freedom. 

Teachers Day

Teachers’ day is celebrated on the 5th of September to show love and gratitude towards the teachers who held our hands and teach us everything. We try to make the students understand the importance of teachers in life as teachers are important role models

Bridges of Sports

We try to encourage the students for sports which are very crucial for their physical, mental, and psychological upliftment. The sportsmanship spirit is also important as it teaches them the mentality to fight in all situations of life. We also arrange an atmosphere

John Biswas

My daughter Sulekha Roy finished her early school life at St. Mary’s & Jesus School and we are extremely thankful to the wonderful administration and excellent teachers. Throughout her journey, she was guided well, and those efforts got reflected in her final result.

Arijit Ray

What a wondrous experience! I never thought that I would get the opportunity to study at St. Mary’s & Jesus School. Our campus is a sight to watch surrounded by exotic plants ideal for our refreshments. Teaching methods are flexible and helpful at the same time.

Rupam Bhattacharya

It is my greatest delight to be able to work at St. Mary’s & Jesus School. So much warmth and respect everyone holds are just unexplainable. Students are industrious and inquisitive, thus always pushing us to the edge, helping us to improve as well as modify our methods of teaching.

Contact Now

To know more about “St. Mary’s & Jesus School” you can call us at the mentioned number or mail us at the provided email address. If you like to visit our office you can come to the address mentioned.

Quick Contact

11 + 10 =

Director’s Message

To give children the best education in the best possible way is every parent’s biggest wish. The year’s children spend in school are the most important years of their lives. These are what are called the formative years of life. At this point in time, they are extremely impressionable and the effects of their surroundings are lasting. The correct environment and support system can go a long way in building a great future for the child. 

Children are the future of every nation across the world. School and home have the advantage of dealing with innocent, receptive, and credulous young people who like clay can easily be molded. The educational journey at St. Mary’s goes beyond imparting knowledge. In forthcoming years, our focus will be on increasing our level of responsibility and accountability both for our students and teachers.

Through interdisciplinary scholastic and co-scholastic programs, we endeavor to equip our learners with the necessary life skills and values that help them to face the challenges of life in a confident and courageous manner.
